CALL. 01.11.2016: 12th Biennial Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity Conference: “The Fifth Century:
Authority beyond the Law: Traditional and Charismatic Authority in Antiquity and the Middle Ages - 0
CALL. 16.09.2016: Authority beyond the Law: Traditional and Charismatic Authority in Antiquity and t
Law and Writing Habits in the Ancient World - 01-02/09/2016, London (England)
The impact of 'Justice' in the Roman Empire - 21-22-23-24/06/2017, Ghent (Belgium)
CALL. 01.10.2016: The impact of 'Justice' in the Roman Empire - Ghent (Belgium)
Roman Court Proceedings (International Workshop) - 14-15/07/2016, Wien (Austria)
Law in the Roman Provinces - 22-23-24/06/2016, Münster (Germany)
Roman Society Annual General Meeting -04/06/2016, London (England)
Nomos Basileus. La regalita' del diritto in Grecia Antica -19-20/05/2016, Verona (Italy)