Frames and Framing in Antiquity - 15-16-17/11/2019, Changchun (China)
CALL. 15.06.2019: Frames and Framing in Antiquity - Changchun (China)
Migrating: Fundamental Rights and Human Dignity - 20-21-22/05/2019, Palermo (Italy)
The Citizen in Late Antiquity - 25/11/2019, Utrecht (Netherlands)
CALL. 26.07.2019: The Citizen in Late Antiquity - Utrecht (Netherlands)
Grasping the Philosopher in Plato’s Academy - 30-31/05-01/06/2018, (Milano, Italy)
L'Esercito romano e l'alba dell'Europa - 09-10-11/05/2019, Roma (Italy)
Άρεταί. Di etica e politica ad Atene e in Grecia nel V secolo - 14/05/2019, Perugia (Italy)
European Islands Between Isolated and Interconnected Life Worlds: Interdisciplinary Long-Term Perspe
CALL. 15.05.2019: European Islands Between Isolated and Interconnected Life Worlds: Interdisciplinar