2019 Warwick Classics Network Study Day: Ancient Worlds - 21/11/2019, Warwick (England)
Images of Early Rome. Pacific Rim Roman Literature Seminar 34 - 10-11-12/07/2020, Boston (MA, USA)
CALL. 15.01.2020: Images of Early Rome. Pacific Rim Roman Literature Seminar 34 - Boston (MA, USA)
Coloquio Internacional ANIHO. Antigüedad clásica en el mundo moderno: del clasicismo de élite al cla
[POSTPONED] HCARN 4. Entangled Pasts and Presents: Temporal Interactions and Knowledge Production in
CALL. 15.11.2019: HCARN 4. Entangled Pasts and Presents: Temporal Interactions and Knowledge Product
VIII Congreso Nacional GANIMEDES - 04-05-06/03/2020, Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
CALL. 02/12/2019: VIII Congreso Nacional GANIMEDES - Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
XX Plutarch Network Meeting Madeira: Plutarch and Cultural Dialogue -10-11/10/2019, Funchal (Portuga
4th Annual Conference DIVINA: Days of Andreas Divus from Iustinopolis on medieval and early modern L