New Research on Ancient Armenia. 2nd Geneva Workshop for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Research
CALL. 18.02.2019: New Research on Ancient Armenia. 2nd Geneva Workshop for Graduate Students and Pos
CALL. 22.02.2019: [PANEL 3] Making Sense of Latin Classics in the Middle Ages (CCC 2019) - Coimbra (
CALL. 31.01.2019: [PANEL 2] Based on a true story? Fictionalizing imperial and late antique biograph
Les portes de la guerre seront closes. Mémoires des conquêtes romaines sous l'Empire et à l'
CALL. 12.02.2019: Les portes de la guerre seront closes. Mémoires des conquêtes romaines sous l'
CALL. 08.02.2019: [PANEL 5] Problems in Performance: Failure and Classical Reception Studies (SCS 20
CALL. 01.03.2019: [PANEL 4] Literary Banquets of the Imperial Era (SCS 2020) - Washington (DC, USA)
CALL. 25.01.2019: [PANEL 3] Greek Culture in the Roman World (SCS 2020) - Washington (DC, USA)
CALL. 15.02.2019: [PANEL 2] Ordering Information in Greco-Roman Medicine (SCS 2020) - Washington (DC