CALL. 31.10.2016: Prometheus, Pandora, Adam and Eve: Archetypes of the Masculine and Feminine and th
11th Moisa Summer Seminar on Ancient Greek and Roman Music - 04-05-06-07-08-09/07/2016, Riva del Gar
5th International Scientific Meeting for Sound and Musical Instrument Studies: «Times and Challenges
CALL.30.06.2016. 5th International Scientific Meeting for Sound and Musical Instrument Studies: «Tim
2016 Symposium Cumanum: Music in the time of Vergil – 21-22-23-24/06/2016, Cuma (Italy)
Sounds of the Hellenic world, ancient and modern - 04-05/07/2016, London (England)
Renaissance Prototypes: Tensions of Past and Present in Early Modern Europe - 28-29-30/09/2016 - Osl
CALL. 17/03/2016: Renaissance Prototypes: Tensions of Past and Present in Early Modern Europe - Oslo
Sound and Auditory culture in Greco-Roman Antiquity - 01-02/04/2016, Columbia (USA)