[POSTPONED] Foreign Nations in the Prophets - 07/05/2020, London (England)
CALL. 29.02.2020: Foreign Nations in the Prophets - London (England)
I martedì di Carthago. Giornata di studio "Il Tofet" - 28/01/2020, Roma (Italy)
The distribution of economic and political power in ancient empires - 10-11/06/2020, Saint Andrews (
CALL. 31.01.2020: The distribution of economic and political power in ancient empires - Saint Andrew
European Association of Biblical Studies Annual Meeting - 03-04-05-06/08/2020, Wuppertal (Germany)
CALL. 20.02.2020: [PANEL 1] Re/conceiving Empire in Ancient Texts - Wuppertal (Germany)
Female agency: Women disrupting the Patriarchy - 06-07-08/05/2021, London (England)
CALL. 28.02.2020: Women disrupting the Patriarchy - London (England)
26th EAA Annual Meeting - 26-27-28-29-30/08/2020, Budapest (Hungary)