3rd Annual Conference of the RIAB Center "Re-Writing History by Destruction" - 14-15-16-17
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 14-15-16-17/05/2018 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Bibliotheca Albertina, Lepzig University ; Akademie der Wissenschaften,...
The Connected Past - 06-07/12/2018, Oxford (England)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS How do social networks evolve over very long time-scales? How did geography constrain or enhance the development of...
CALL. 14.05.2018: The Connected Past - Oxford (England)
La Leadership delle Associazioni Professionali- 10-11/05/2018 - Bologna (Italy)
Il Dipartimento di Storia, Culture, Civiltà (DiSCI) dell’Università di Bologna è lieto di annunciare il programma della conferenza...
An Appetite for the Past - 30/04/2018, New York (NY, USA)
This endeavor will bring scholars of the ancient world and food specialists together to create and serve the fruits of their...
Center for Ancient Studies Annual Symposium "Cities in the Ancient World" - 20-21/04/2018,
This year's annual symposium will be an interdisciplinary examination of the formation and nature of urban settlement around the globe...
Akkadian Historical Linguistics: on the occasion of John Huehnergard's retirement - 21-22/04/201
During his scholarly career, John Huehnergard has extensively worked on Akkadian and its dialects. Besides studies on Akkadian phonology,...
Text and Image: Transmedial Inquiries into Ancient Near Eastern Cultures - 27/04/2018, New York (NY,
In the ancient Near East many monuments and artifacts incorporated both pictorial and written compositions. “Text and Image” has long...
Future Philologies: Digital Directions in Ancient World Text - 20/04/2018, New York (NY, USA)
Future Philologies will provide a forum for historical-language projects with a strong text analysis component to present their work...
Central Asia under and after Alexander: Third Meeting of the Hellenistic Central Asia Research Netwo
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The aim of the conference is to discuss what actually happened in Central Asia. It will take a local point of view...