Melammu-Workshop "At the Edges of Empires: Territories and Processes nearby and between Emergin
CALL. 02.09.2018: [SESSIONS] Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference 2019 - Canterbury (England)
AFEAF 2019. Les espaces fortifiés à l’âge du Fer en Europe - 30-31/05-01-02/06/2019, Le Puy-en-Velay
CALL. 01.10.2018: AFEAF 2019. Les espaces fortifiés à l’âge du Fer en Europe - Le Puy-en-Velay (Fran
Interdisciplinary Conference Islands, Islandness, and Insularity - 03-04-05/10/2018, Cagliari (Italy
III Jornadas de Arqueología, Historia y Patrimonio en el entorno de El Cuervo de Sevilla - 25-26-27/
CALL. 30.09.2018: III Jornadas de Arqueología, Historia y Patrimonio en el entorno de El Cuervo de S
Coming Together. Cambridge Annual Student Archaeology Conference - 14-15-16/09/2018, Cambridge (Eng
CALL. 14.08.2018: Coming Together: Liminality and Transition in Death – the coming together of diffe
Metamorphosis and the Environmental Imagination, from Ovid to Shakespeare - 11-12/10/2019, Los Angel