CALL. 28.10.2016: [SESSION 2] Close range 3D data acquisition, processing, analysing, querying and p
Libya Matters Workshop: Safeguarding Libyan Heritage - 01/10/2016, London (England)
Colloque International sur la preservation du patrimoine archéologique en Algérie: du sauvetage a la
CALL. 29.09.2016: Colloque International sur la preservation du patrimoine archéologique en Algérie:
15th International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities - 05-06-07/07/2017, London (Englan
CALL. 26.07.2016: 15th International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities - London (Englan
Jornadas Europeias do Património 2016: Comunidades e Culturas - 23-24-25/09/2016, Lisboa (Portugal)
CALL. 02.09.2016: Jornadas Europeias do Património 2016: Comunidades e Culturas - Lisboa (Portugal)
Photo-objects. On the Materiality of Photographs and Photo-Archives in the Humanities and Sciences -
CALL. 15.07.2016: Photo-objects. On the Materiality of Photographs and Photo-Archives in the Humanit