CALL. 31.10.2016:'A Quest for Remembrance': The Descent into the Classical Underworld"-
VI Colloquium Visions of Antiquity: "Non Bona Dicta" - 04-05-06-07/07/2017, São Paulo (Bra
CALL. 01.02.2017: VI Colloquium Visions of Antiquity: "Non Bona Dicta" - São Paulo ( Brazi
V Congreso Internacional de Estudios Clásicos - 04-05-06-07-08/09/2017, México DF (México)
CALL. 20.03.2017: V Congreso Internacional de Estudios Clásicos - México DF (México)
Rhetorics of Unity and Division - 03-04-05/07/2017, Norwich (England)
CALL. 16.12.2016: Rhetorics of Unity and Division - Norwich (England)
L’Humour verbal en Grèce ancienne : blagues, jeux de mots et calembours - 19-20/10/2017, Louvain-la-
Readers and Interpreters of Cicero, Ancient and Modern. In honour of Emanuele Narducci and Alberto G
CALL. 30.09.2016: Readers and Interpreters of Cicero, Ancient and Modern. In honour of Emanuele Nard