CALL. 15.04.2016: Les frontières dans tous leurs états - Nancy (France)
La huitième édition des Journées jeunes chercheurs en sciences humaines et arts (2L2S) se tiendra à Nancy les 20 et 21 octobre 2016. Nous...

Coloquio "Figures exemplaires de pouvoir sous l'empire dans la littérature gréco-romaine&qu
Ce colloque s'inscrit dans un des axes de recherche de l'EA 3094 (CARRA) de l'Université de Strasbourg, intitulé La littérature impériale...

Prometheus Trust Eleventh Annual Conference "Will, freewill and freedom"- 24-25-26/06/2016
Fundamental to our understanding of ourselves, and to the direction of our lives, is the question of freewill: what lies in our power,...

CALL 08.04.2016: Prometheus Trust Eleventh Annual Conference "Will, freewill and freedom"
Fundamental to our understanding of ourselves, and to the direction of our lives, is the question of freewill: what lies in our power,...

XVIII Coloquio Internacional de AEIHM, “Autoridad, poder e influencia: Mujeres que hacen Historia” -
En el mes de octubre de 2016, la AEIHM celebrará en la ciudad de Zaragoza su XVIII Coloquio Internacional, que tendrá como tema...

CALL. 15.03.2016: XVIII Coloquio Internacional de AEIHM, “Autoridad, poder e influencia: Mujeres que
En el mes de octubre de 2016, la AEIHM celebrará en la ciudad de Zaragoza su XVIII Coloquio Internacional, que tendrá como tema...

112TH CAMWS Meeting - 16-17-18-19/03/2016, Williamsburg, Virginia (USA)
FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 16-17-18-19/03/2016 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: The Colonial Williamsburg Resort, Williamburg, VA (USA)...

R.A.T.S 2016 - Radical Ontologies for the Contemporary Past - 3-4-5-6/03/2016, Binghamton, Nueva Yor
Recently, anthropologists have been trying to challenge Western practices of knowledge production and understandings of existence. The...

What’s Not New in the New Europe: Ancient Answers to Modern Questions - 12-13/07/2016, Lodz (Poland)
The political, social, and economic challenges Europe faces today appear to many people as utterly new and unprecedented, but most of...

CALL. 31.03.2016: What’s Not New in the New Europe: Ancient Answers to Modern Questions - Lodz (Pola