12th International Congress of the International Plutarch Society: Plutarch and his Contemporaries.
CALL. 01.12.2019: 12th International Congress of the International Plutarch Society: Plutarch and hi
Romans and Natives in the Danubian Provinces (1st C. BC-6th C. AD) (5th International Conference on
Freud and Egypt: Between Oedipus and the Sphinx - 12/10/2019, London (England)
CALL. 15.09.2019: Classics and Civic Activism (AIA/SCS workshop) - Washington (DC, USA)
International Conference "Mariette, deux siècles après" - 20-21/05/2021, Boulogne-sur-Mer
CALL. 30.09.2019: International Conference "Mariette, deux siècles après", Boulogne-sur-Me
CALL. 16.09.2019: [PANEL 4] Frontiers of Late Antiquity (IMC2020) - Leeds (England)
[POSTPONED] European Association for Urban History Conference 2020 - 01-02-03-04/09/2021, Antwerp (B
CALL. 04.10.2019: Religious Guides to Urbanity (Specialist Session of the EAUH 2020) - Antwerp (Belg