World Humanities Conference - 06-07-08-09-10-11-12/08/2017, Liège (Belgium)
CALL. 01.11.2016: [SESSIONS] World Humanities Conference - Liège (Belgium)
Tokens: Culture, Connections, Communities - 08-09-10/06/2017, Coventry (England)
CALL. 01.12.2016: Tokens: Culture, Connections, Communities - Coventry (England)
Modalità e funzione della mediazione nella Grecia antica - 25/10/2016, Urbino (Italy)
Universities in Wales Institute of Classics and Ancient History (UWICAH) Postgraduate Conference 201
CALL. 04.11.2016: Universities in Wales Institute of Classics and Ancient History (UWICAH) Postgradu
CALL. 07.10.2016: Teaching Roman Oratory beyond Cicero - Glasgow (Scotland)
Teaching Roman Oratory beyond Cicero - 09/11/2016, Glasgow (Scotland)
The Cost of Freedom: Debt and Slavery -19-20/05/2017, New York (NY, USA)