Les astrologues dans l’entourage des empereurs romains, des Julio-Claudiens aux Sévères - 20-21/06/2
Les inscriptions latines d'Aquitaine - 20/06/2018, Pessac (France)
La sacralisation de figures ‘païennes’ à la fin de l’Antiquité (IIIe-VIe s.) : Poètes, philosophes,
L’officina del lettore: isagogi, compendi, epitomi, scolî vs. commenti § L’officina del filologo: st
Procopio Antemio imperatore di Roma - 08/06/2018, Pisa (Italy)
The Perception and Reception of Roman Law and Tribunals by Jews and Other Inhabitants of the Empire
Nouvelles recherches sur l'Arménie ancienne - 08-09/06/2018, Genève (Switzerland)
Power of the Priests. Political use of religious knowledge - 29-30/11-01/12/2018, Kiel (Germany)
CALL. 15.07.2018: Power of the Priests. Political use of religious knowledge - Kiel (Germany)
The Joseph Story between Egypt and Israel - 15-16/06/2018, Lausanne (Switzerland)