LXXIIIe Session de la Société Internationale Fernand de Visscher pour l’Histoire des Droits de l’Ant
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Comme confirmé lors de notre précédente rencontre à Cracovie, la 73e rencontre de la Société Internationale Fernand...
CALL. 31.05.2019: LXXIIIe Session de la Société Internationale Fernand de Visscher pour l’Histoire d
Exchanging Ideas - Trade, Technology, and Connectivity in pre-Roman Italy - 03-04-05/02/2020, Auckla
go to CALL FOR PAPERS This conference will explore models for the transmission of objects, ideas, production techniques, artistic styles,...
CALL. 01.06.2019: Exchanging Ideas - Trade, Technology, and Connectivity in pre-Roman Italy - Auckla
go to CONGRESS This conference will explore models for the transmission of objects, ideas, production techniques, artistic styles, and...
La montagna nell’antichità - 02-03-04/05/2019, Trento (Italy)
Il Convegno Internazionale AICC La montagna nell’antichità avrà luogo nei giorni 2-4 maggio 2019 , nell’ambito di Trento Film Festival,...
Clerics in Church and Society up to 700 - 26-27/04/2019, Warsaw (Poland)
FECHA /DATE/DATA: 26-27/04/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: University of Warsaw (Warsaw, Poland) ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Robert...
Down by the water. Interdisciplinary symposium on the role of water transit points in past societies
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Waterways have been key factors in the development of societies from prehistoric times to nowadays, particularly...
CALL. 30.05.2019: Down by the water. Interdisciplinary symposium on the role of water transit points
go to CONGRESS Waterways have been key factors in the development of societies from prehistoric times to nowadays, particularly due to...
Narratology for Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages -15-16-17/11/2019, Innsbruck (Austria)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Even though controversial, the long transition from the Roman World to the Medieval “state”-system has yet to reach...
CALL. 15.04.2019: Narratology for Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages - Innsbruck (Austria)
go to CONGRESS Even though controversial, the long transition from the Roman World to the Medieval “state”-system has yet to reach a...