Work in Progress seminar ICS [Term 3] -04/2018-05/2018-06/2018, London (England)
Work in Progress seminar ICS [Term 2] -01/2018-02/2018-03/2018, London (England)
Work in Progress seminar ICS [Term 1] -10/2017-11/2017-12/2017, London (England)
CALL. 11.08.2017: Postgraduate Work in Progress seminar ICS - London (England)
A Man's World? Queens, Goddesses and Mothers in the Ancient Near East - 12-13/11/2016, Riverside
Las caras del conflicto en la Grecia Antigua - 11/11/2016, Madrid (Spain)
Lusitania: organizar un territorio - 04-05/11/2016, Mérida (Spain)
La Collectio Avellana e le altre Collezioni canoniche di ambiente italico: formazione, contenuti e c
CARC Workshop 2016: The Maker’s Share in Ancient Greek Art - 26-27/09/2016, Oxford (England)
Reconstructing the Republic: Imperial Authors and Varro - 22-23/09/2016, Roma (Italy)