CALL. 31.05.2017: LVDI PLAVTINI SARSINATES: Characters on Stage: the Miles - Sarsina (Italy)
Euripides-Rezeption in Kaiserzeit und Spätantike -30-31-01/03-04/2017, Göttingen (Germany)
VII Giornata di studio su Aristofane - 25/03/2017, Roma (Italy)
New Light on Tony Harrison - 27-28/04/2017, London (England)
Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature 2017: TRANSFORMATION - 22-23/06/2017, Liverpoo
CALL. 14.04.2017: Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature 2017: TRANSFORMATION - Liver
17th Postgraduate Symposium: Movement and limits in the theory and practice of ancient drama -26-27/
CALL. 31.03.2017: 17th Postgraduate Symposium: Movement and limits in the theory and practice of anc
CALL. 15.03.2017: [PANEL 8 at SCS 2018] Performing Problem Plays - Boston (MA, USA)
Letteratura e intervisualità fra Grecia e Roma - 07-08/02/2017, Milano (Italy)