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OBJECTS IN TRANSLATION-Classical Archaeology Research Seminar- 03/11, 01/12/2015, 12/01, 09/02, 08-2

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 03/11, 01/12/2015, 12/01, 09/02, 08-22/03, 26/04, 24/05/2016

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Institute of Classical Studies, (London, England)

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Alexia Petsalis-Diomidis, KCL , and Caspar Meyer, BBK




OBJECTS IN TRANSLATION Tuesdays 5pm, Senate House, South Block, Room 349 3 November 2015 Abigail Baker (Birkbeck) Interpreting Troy in London: Objects, Illustrations and Photographs in Schliemann’s Exhibition 1 December 2015 Kate Morton (British Museum) Drawing towards Reconstruction: Illustration Projects at the British Museum 12 January 2016 Stuart Laidlaw (UCL) Archaeological Illustration: Digital vs.Analogue

9 February 2016 Lucy Shipley (Southampton) Pots, Past, Present, and Future: Translating the Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum 8 March 2016 Vinnie Nørskov (Aarhus) Photographs in the Antiquities Trade 22 March 2016 Mark van der Enden (Leicester) The Pottery Catalogue Anno 2016: Theoretical Implications of the Visualization of Ceramic Material Culture 26 April 2016 Laurent Haumesser (Louvre) Tombs and Vases in Etruria: The Drawings of Architects in the Nineteenth Century 24 May 2016 Claire Lyons (Getty Villa) Iconology of an Animal Combat: On the Lion Attacking a Horse in the Musei Capitolini


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