3rd International Conference on the Roman Danubian Provinces - 11-12-13-14/11/2015, Wien (Austria)

"After the 1st and 2nd International Conference on the Roman Danubian Provinces both hosted by the “Laboratorio di studi e ricerche sulle antiche province Danubiane” (LAD) of the University of Ferrara in 2009 and 2013, the “Department of Ancient History and Antiquity Studies, Papyrology and Epigraphy” of the University of Vienna is organizing the third meeting of the conference series this autumn.
The theme is "Society and Economy in the Roman Danube Provinces". Cooperation partners are the "Laboratorio di studi e ricerche sulle antiche province Danubiane" (LAD) of the University of Ferrara, represented by Prof. Livio Zerbini, and the Italian Cultural Institute in Vienna, represented by its Director Dr. Clara Bencivenga Trillmich.
The conference is supposed to bring together researchers from Western, Eastern and Southeastern Europe, under the guiding principle of the Imperium Romanum, with Vienna as an interface and forum."
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 11-12-13-14.11.2015
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Campus der Universität Wien - Altes AKH, Spitalgasse 2 ; Italienisches Kulturinstitut Istituto Italiano di Cultura ; Sky Lounge, Oscar-Morgenstern-Platz (Wien, Austria)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Institut für Alte Geschichte und Altertumskunde, Papyrologie und Epigraphik ; Università di Ferrara, Laboratorio di studi e ricerche sulle Antiche province Danubiane.
INFO: web - theresia.pantzer@univie.ac.at chiara.cenati@univie.ac.at
Please note that there will be parallel sessions on Thursday
Wednesday 11.11. (Aula, Campus, Spitalgasse 2)
Session Ia: Die Perspektive der Inschriften, Chair: N.N.
Alberto Andreoli (Ferrara): Un soldato pannonico nel delta del Po (CIL XI, 340)
Herbert Grassl (Salzburg): Neue inschriftliche Texte zu ökonomischen und sozialen Transformationsprozessen im Ostalpenraum
Ioan Piso (Cluj-Napoca): Die Ziegelstempel und die Wirtschaft der Provinz Dakien
Session Ib: Die Perspektive der Inschriften, Chair: N.N.
Chiara Cenati (Wien): L’indicazione dell’origo nelle iscrizioni Urbane dei soldati di provenienza danubiana e balcanica
Adam Łajtar (Warschau): New Inscriptions from Novae Referring to the Institution ofpastus militum
John Wilkes (London/Oxford): Bilingual and Mixed-Language Epitaphs in the Danubian Provinces
Session Ic: Die Perspektive der Inschriften, Chair: N.N.
Antonio Ibba (Sassari) / Lucretiu Mihailescu-Bîrliba (Iași): Vicus Bad(---): il contributo dell’epigrafia alla ricostruzione del tessuto socio-culturale di un villaggio della Moesia Inferior (I–III secolo d.C.)
Simone Pastor (Rom): Epigrafia anfiteatrale delle province balcanico-danubiane: analisi dei documenti e nuove interpretazioni
Silvia Ripà / Laura Audino (Ferrara): Testimonianze epigrafiche dell’evergetismo privato nelle province danubiane
Extra ordinem
Christian Gugl / Cristina Alexandrescu (Wien): Troesmis: Siedlungsräume und Verwaltungsräume
Keynote lecture N.N. (Italian Cultural Institute, Ungargasse 43)
Thursday 12.11. (Alte Kapelle, Campus, Spitalgasse 2)
Session II: Gräber und Grabmonumente, Chair: N.N.
Ioana Crețulescu / Lucian-Mircea Mureșan (Bukarest): Theory and Practice. Aspects of Roman Law Regarding Funerary Behaviour on the Lower Danube – A Study of Ancient Roman Sources
Snežana Golubović (Belgrad): The Role of Jewelry in the Roman Graves from Viminacium
Aleksandra Krauze-Kołodziej (Lublin) / Francesca Ceci (Rom): Una stele di Orfeo. Il monumento funerario di Marco Aurelio Vero a Poetovium (Ptuj, Slovenia). Uno studio iconografico
Session III: Romanisierung und Spätrömisches, Chair: N.N.
Jelena Anđelković Grašar / Milica Tapavički-Ilić (Belgrad): Cameos dubitandae, Women’s Images Reflecting the Female Side of the Post-Roman Society on the Territory of Upper Moesia
Donato Fasolini (Alcalá): Francus ego cives Romanus miles in armis: l’ascrizione tribale nelle province danubiane
Péter Kovács (Piliscsaba): Constans and Pannonia
Mattia Vitelli Casella (Bologna): Appunti sulla romanizzazione delle diverse aree della Dalmazia
Session IVa: Religion, Chair: N.N.
Juan Ramón Carbó (Murcia): Juan Ramón Carbó (Murcia): Public Sacrificial Evergetism and Economy of the Sacred. The Case Study of the Oriental Cults in Dacia
Valentina Casella (Genua): Hecate in Dacia tra latitanza e assimilazione
Mario Cesarano (Ferrara): “Dio è nato in esilio”. La nascita del culto imperiale sulle sponde del Mar Nero da Ovidio a Vintilă Horia
Session IVb: Religion, Chair: N.N.
Manfred Hainzmann (Graz): Zum Kultverhalten der municipalen Eliten in Noricum
Stefano Magnani / Paola Mior (Udine): Presenze orientali nelle province danubiane: aspetti sociali e religiosi
Paolo Vitellozzi (Mailand/Heidelberg): Un amuleto magico di età imperiale e il culto delle divinità equestri danubiane
Csaba Szabó (Pécs/Erfurt): Religion and Economy in the Settlements of Apulum
Thursday 12.11. (Aula, Campus, Spitalgasse 2)
Session Va: Militär und Sicherheit, Chair: N.N.
Dan Aparaschivei (Iași): Facilities and Medical Staff of the Lower Danube Roman Army
Nicolò Giuseppe Brancato (Rom): Una componente sui generis della società romana danubiana: gli alumni militum
Davide Redaelli (Triest): La presenza e il ruolo di soldati e veterani delle milizie urbane nelle società di Pannonia, Mesia e Dacia
Session Vb: Militär und Sicherheit, Chair: N.N.
Laura Chioffi (Neapel): Interfectus a barbaris. Morti violente in area danubiana documentate da epigrafi
Lucietta Di Paola (Messina): Obsequia e privilegia dei beneficiarii nelle province danubiane in età tardoantica
Agnes Dorothea Schütte (Tübingen): Fortifikation in Friedenszeiten — Stadtmauern als materielle Quellen am Beispiel der römischen Kaiserzeit
Mihail Zahariade (Bukarest): Age and Service of the Legionaries of Thracian Origin in the 1st–3rd Century Roman Imperial Army
Session VIa: Handel, Chair: N.N.
Radu Ardevan (Cluj-Napoca): „Dakische Steinblöcke“ im römischen Kontext, ein Problem der provinziellen Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte
Maurizio Buora (Udine): Cornici di specchio quadrangolari con teste dionisiache agli angoli: una produzione danubiana diffusa dalla Crimea alla Gallia meridionale
Viktoria Čisťakova / Zdeněk Beneš (Prag): Aspects of Interregional Contacts: Roman Imports from the Danubian Provinces in the Context of Barbarian Territory
Session VIb: Handel, Chair: N.N.
Yolande Marion / Pierre Machut (Bordeaux): La commercialisation des produits istriens (huile, vin et garum) dans les provinces danubiennes : nouvelles données
Dorel Paraschiv (Tulcea): Les relations économiques de la ville d’Ibida (Moesia Inferior/Scythia) avec le bassin Egéen: la céramique
Alessandro Teatini (Sassari): Marmi di Costantinopoli nella provincia Scythia al tempo di Giustiniano: i dati degli arredi architettonici della basilica cristiana di Ibida
Friday 13.11. (Aula, Campus, Spitalgasse 2)
Session VII: Geldgeschichte, Chair: N.N.
Ulrich Denzer (Frankfurt a. M.): Die Münzprägung des Regalian im Kontext der Armeeversorgung in Pannonien
Cristian Găzdac (Cluj-Napoca): Mirroring the Roman Society and Economy in the Danube Provinces. The Subtlety of Roman Monetary Policy towards the Periphery
Mihaela Iacob (Tulcea): La moneta della provincia di Bithynia et Pontus nelle province danubiane: relazioni economiche o movimenti della popolazione?
Session VIII: „Barbaren“ und vorrömische Zeit, Chair: N.N.
Ennio Biondi (Besançon): Thracian Gold in the Archaic and Classical Age between Greek and Persian History
Dilyana Boteva (Sofia): Society and Myths: How Was the Name of Moesia Invented?
Eva Katarina Glazer (Zagreb): Society and Economy in the Croatian Danube Region at the End of the Iron Age
Alexander Rubel (Iași): Überlegungen zum Barbarenbegriff der Römer: Geten, Daker und Thraker in den Augen der Römer
Session IXa: Provinzgesellschaft, Chair: N.N.
Maria Ángeles Alonso Alonso (Cantabria): I rapporti d’amicitia nelle province danubiane alla luce della documentazione epigrafica
Ágnes Gyuricza (Budapest): The role of Children in the Pannonian economy and society
Miroslava Mirkovic (Belgrad): Die Stadt und das Dorf: Veterani, cives Romani und Einheimische an der unteren Donau
Session IXb: Provinzgesellschaft, Chair: N.N.
Leszek Mrozewicz (Poznań): Roman Society on the Lower Danube during the Reign of the Severans
Ivo Topalilov (Shumen): Some Notes on the Society of Colonia Ulpia Ratiaria
Rada Varga (Cluj-Napoca): Vulgus veritatis interpres. A Glimpse on the Middle Classes from the Low Danube Provinces
Ingrid Weber-Hiden (Wien): The Economic Significance of Freedmen in Northwestern Pannonia
Saturday 14.11. (Sky Lounge, Oscar Morgenstern-Platz 1)
Session Xa: Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Herrschaft, Chair: N.N.
Michał Duch (Poznań): The Economic Integration of Lower Moesia within the Roman Empire
Emil Jęczmienowski (Warschau): The Economic Significance of the Limes in Upper Moesia as an Internal Border from 106 to 270 AD
Tino Leleković (Zagreb): Social and Economic Processes in Southern Pannonia from the 1st – 4th Centuries AD
Session Xb: Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Herrschaft, Chair: N.N.
Dino Demicheli (Zagreb): Procurator vicesimae hereditatium in Dalmatia
Coriolan Opreanu (Cluj-Napoca): A Roman Custom Point and a “Free Tax” Frontier Market Place at Porolissum in Dacia
Lyuba Radulova (Sofia): Problemi di portorium in Moesia Inferior – controversie e confini
Peter Rothenhöfer (München): Metallum Messallini – neue Erkenntnisse zur römischen Durchdringung des Raumes zwischen Adria und Donau um die Zeitenwende
Session XIa: Urbane Zentren, Chair: N.N.
Zdravko Dimitrov (Sofia): New Archaeological Data from Ratiaria — Public and Private Baths As an Essential Element in the Development of Roman Society along the Danubian Limes
Federico Frasson (Genua): Società ed economia in un insediamento romano ai confini dell’impero: il caso di Troesmis
Nemanja Mrđić (Belgrad): Colonia Viminacium and the Economy on the Frontier in the 3rd Century
Session XIb: Urbane Zentren, Chair: N.N.
Vladimir P. Petrović (Belgrad): The Cohors I Cretum between Naissus and the Iron Gate Limes: New Epigraphic Testimonies from Timacum Maius
Agnieszka Tomas (Warschau): On the Way to a Reconstruction of the Civilian Settlement near Novae (Moesia inferior). The Epigraphic Evidence
Domagoj Tončinić (Zagreb): Die römischen Militärlager von Siscia. Der Gegensatz von historischen Quellen und archäologischen Befunden