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Women and the Birth of Democracy in Classical Athens - 24-25/03/2016, Tuscaloosa (USA)

Women Athens (Alabama).jpg

The conference will explore the ideology of “female inferiority” as prompted by ancient democratic laws, especially citizenship laws, and as cultivated in Classical literature and beyond. In much the same way that Lycurgus’ legislation changed dramatically the character of Spartan society, Solon’s laws transformed both the political system in Athens and the social position of women. The Homeric epics offer a good baseline for the status and social function of women in pre- or non-democratic systems, in which women’s value was relatively high. After the institution of democracy, however, when citizenship and voting rights were granted only to qualified males, women’s value decreased significantly.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 24-25.03.2016

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Dr. Tatiana Tsakiropoulou-Summers (University of Alabama)




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