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CALL. 15.06.2015: Classics and/in Performance - Notre Dame, Indiana (USA)



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: University of Notre Dame, Department of Classics

INFO: Web - Sean Kelly (


Graduate students are invited to submit abstracts for a two-day conference on the reception of classical literature in the context of performance genres. Greek and Roman mythology, ideas, and literature pervade Western culture and are inextricably tied to the intellectual history of our music, dance, theater, film, and all other performance genres. Interested graduate students are thus encouraged to submit abstracts for papers that engage with the presence and effects of classical material in performances after antiquity.

The aim of this conference is twofold: first, to examine via panels of speakers, ideally to be grouped by performance genre, specific issues of reception in these diverse fields; and second, to use the conclusions reached in these panels to pose large-scale theoretical questions about the nature of reception and the ways in which we study it. Some of these larger concerns will then be addressed in the keynote presentation byProfessor Sarah Nooter from the University of Chicago, who will speak about her current project on comparative drama in classical Athens and twentieth-century Africa. This address will be accompanied by the viewing of a modern performance to serve as a specific case study intended to generate further discussion and analysis. Participants will also be afforded the opportunity to discuss these issues withProfessor Isabelle Torrance of the University of Notre Dame, who will deliver the opening remarks, and whose work on Greek tragedy and its reception deals with some of these very questions.

Please email an abstract (in Word or PDF format) of no more than 375 words to Sean Kelly ( Include a tentative title for your paper, as well as, separately, your name, institutional affiliation, and email address. In your abstract, include a clear summary of your argument, with one or two persuasive examples, and an indication of how your paper would contribute to critical reflection on the topic as a whole. Your argument should be accessible to an audience of scholars from various disciplines. If you have any technical requirements for your presentation, please note those clearly. Papers should be 20 minutes in length.

Thanks to the generous funding of the Nanovic Institute for European Studies, lodging in individual rooms at the 4-diamond campus hotel, the Morris Inn, for up to two nights, as well as some conference meals, will be provided for all graduate students who are invited to deliver papers. Additionally, we may be able to partially subsidize travel costs up to $150; this additional supplement will be detailed in the invitation letters to the extent possible.

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