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CALL. 15.09.2015: SOMA 2015. 19th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology. “Time, Space and People” -



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Dr. Murat Karademir (Selcuk University) ; Dr. Blazej Stanislawski (GAMA) ; Dr. Michele Stephanile (GAMA) ; Lect. T.M.P. Duggan (Akdeniz University) ; Dr. Mehmet Kürkçü (Archaeologist) ; Res. Assist. Aykan Akçay (Akdeniz University) ; Ceyda Öztosun (Selcuk University) ; Günay Dönmez (Selcuk University) ; Res. Assist. Fatih Yılmaz (Akdeniz University) ; Res. Assist. Erkan Kurul (Akdeniz University) ; Betül Gürel (Akdeniz University)

INFO: web (info + call) web (registration) -


The papers will be grouped into different sessions dedicated to the different and related regions of the Mediterranean. These are as follows: 1. The Western Mediterranean 2. The Central Mediterranean 3. The Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean 4. The Black Sea 5. The Near East and Egypt 6. Mediterranean Interactions

Also papers regarding the following themes will be accepted: – Archaeometry – Marine / Seamanship History – Conservation, preservation and archaeological site management – Restoration and Museology

There are no other limitations regarding the subject and the period, but special consideration will be given to papers adopting an innovative theoretical and methodological approach. Please note: no papers dealing with unprovenanced artifacts will be accepted.

The conference language will be English in order to maintain the usual organization of SOMA conferences. No translation services will be available during the congress. All speakers are requested to observe a 20 minute limit for presented papers. Presentations will be given as Power Point (.ppt) presentations.

Abstracts must be written in English and should be approximately 3000 characters in length (Title 200 characters). Submission of abstracts: Until 15 September of 2015. Registered participants will be notified about their abstract acceptance until 20 September of 2015. Information on accepted proposals will be sent, via e-mail, by this date. To submit an abstract, please fill-in the registration form from the official website: or and submit the abstract to:

The Deadline for Symposium registration is 15 September 2015.

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