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Morphogrammata. The Lettered Art of Optatian. Figuring cultural transformations in the age Constanti

International workshop supported by the Internationales Kolleg Morphomata (Universitaet zu Koeln) and the Department of Classics, King’s College London. This three-day workshop explores one of antiquity’s most fascinating (and most maligned) artists: Publilius Optatianus Porfyrius. ‘Optatian’ is hardly a household name among classicists and historians. But Optatian’s picture-poems uniquely figure the cultural dynamics of the early fourth century AD. To have any hope of understanding Optatian’s highly lettered artefacts, a range of critical perspectives is required. The Cologne workshop consequently aims to stimulate a new sort of interdisciplinary dialogue, bringing together historical, literary, philosophical, art historical and theological viewpoints to assess Optatian’s poetics.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 01-02-03/07/2015

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Michael Squire (King’s College London) ; Johannes Wienand (Heinrich-Heine-Universitaet Duesseldorf)

INFO: web -

INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: Inscripión gratis. Debido al aforo limitado, se requiere un registro previo antes del 14 de Junio de 2015 / The workshop is free to attend. But because numbers are limited, pre-registration is required before 14th June 2015 / Il workshop è gratuito. I posti sono limitati, registrazione in anticipo è richiesta prima del 14 di giugno.



13:30–14:15 - Dietrich Boschung (Köln) - Grußwort

Michael Squire (London) - Morphogrammata: The Lettered Art of Optatian

14:15–15:15 - Johannes Wienand (Düsseldorf) - Publilius Optatianus Porfyrius: Die eigenartige Karriere eines Verfassers hirnverbrannter Versspielereien

coffee break

15:45–16:45 - Jan Kwapisz (Warszawa) - Optatian Porfyry and the Order of Court Riddlers

16:45–17:45 - Anna-Lena Glanz (Gießen) - Lector ludens: Spiel und Rätsel in Optatians Panegyrik


18:00–19:00 - Ulrich Ernst (Wuppertal) - Versus intexti: Optatianus Porfyrius und seine Wirkung auf die mittelalterliche und frühneuzeitliche Gitterdichtung


9:15–10:15 - Irmgard Männlein-Robert (Tübingen) - Morphogrammata? Klangbilder? Überlegungen zu Poetik und Medialität bei Optatian

10:15–11:15 - Meike Rühl (Osnabrück) - Vielschichtige Palimpseste: Optatians Gedichte als Medium kollektiven und individuellen Erinnerns

coffee break

11:45–12:45 - Marie-Odile Bruhat (Lille) - Le traitement de l'espace dans la poésie d'Optatianus Porfyrius

lunch break

14:00 – 15:00 - Martin Bažil (Prag/Rostock) - Textus (in)textus. Der Textbegriff bei Optatianus

15:00–16:00 - Aaron Pelttari (Edinburgh) - A Lexicographical Approach to the Poetry of Optatianus Porfyrius

coffee break

16:30-17:30 - Thomas Habinek (University of Southern California) - Optatian Porphyry: Explorations in Ontology?


9:30–10:30 - Petra Schierl / Cédric Scheidegger Lämmle (Basel) - Herrscherbild und Deutungsmuster: Optatian und die Strukturen des Panegyrischen

10:30–11:30 - Sophie Lunn-Rockliffe (King’s College London) - Caelestia signa: Optatian’s Use of Christian Signs

coffee break

12:00–13:00 - Jesús Hernández Lobato (Salamanca) - Rethinking Optatian from Contemporary Art: Keys to an Intersystemic Dialogue

lunch break

14:15-15:30 - Michael Squire (London) / Johannes Wienand (Düsseldorf) - Round-table discussion / Pläne für das herausgebende Buch

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