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Impact of Empire. 12th International Workshop. Mobility and Migration in the Roman World - 17-18-19/

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 17-18-19/06/2015

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Elio Lo Cascio (Sapienza Univerysità di Roma) ; Olivier Hekster (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen) ; Nathalie de Haan (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen)




Wednesday, June 17 Sapienza Università di Roma Odeion, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia

14.45 Welcome by the Dean of the Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia (Roberto Nicolai), and the Director of the Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità (Enzo Lippolis)

Welcome and introductory remarks (Elio Lo Cascio and Olivier Hekster)

Migration and Deportation (Chair: Nathalie de Haan)

15.20 Keynote 1: Greg Woolf: Moving Peoples in Early Empires

16.15 Lukas de Blois: Deportation and forced migration in the Balkans in the Third Century (AD 250-271)

16.55 BREAK

17.15 Frederik J. Vervaet & Wim Broekaert: Public-Private Mass Deportations, Slave Revolts and the Augustan Pax Servilis: Political and Socio-Economic Considerations

17.55 Gil Gambash: Between Mobility and Connectivity in the Roman Mediterranean. Travel in the Maritime Sphere

18.40 DRINKS

Thursday, June 18 British School at Rome;

Mobility and Empire (Chair: Anne Kolb)

09.00 Welcome and opening

09.10 Keynote 2: Laurens E. Tacoma: Stones, Bones, and Monica. Isola Sacra revisited

10.05 Werner Eck: Ordo senatorius und Mobilität: Auswirkungen und Konsequenzen im Imperium Romanum

10.45 BREAK

11.10 Anthony R. Birley: Viri militares moving from west to east in two crisis years (AD 133 and 162)

11.50 Peter Herz: The Mobility of Roman Soldiers 12.30 Vana Kalenderian: 'Resurrecting' Berytus - Osteoarchaeological Analysis and an Evaluation of Mortuary Practices and Cultural Exchange (1st c.BC - 4th c.AD)

12.50 BREAK

Thursday, June 18 Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut Rome (KNIR)

Immigration and Motives (Chair: Jeremia Pelgrom)

14.30 Andreas Goltz: Zwischen zwei Reichen? – Dauerhafte Migration zwischen dem Oströmischen und dem Weströmischen Reich in der Spätantike

15.10 Elena Köstner: What was going on with linourgoi in the Roman East? The sociological concept of ethnic colonies and Alexandria’s linen-weavers

15.50 Erika Manders: The Christian emperor on the move: imperial travels and church building policy in the fourth century AD

16.30 BREAK

16.50 Günther Schörner: Mobile Handwerker - wandernde Werkstätten: Techniktransfer im Imperium Romanum

17.30 Anne Hunnell Chen: Moving Ideas between Empires: Competition, Mobile Populations, and Artistic Exchange in Late Antiquity 18.10 Arbia Hilali: Des Africains à Rome à la conquête de la richesse et des honneurs

18.40 DRINKS

Friday, June 19 Istituto Italiano per la Storia Antica

Migration, Integration and the Law (Chair: Andrea Giardina)

09.00 Welcome and opening

09.10 Keynote 3: Claudia Moatti: Droit et migration dans l’empire romain: catégories, contrôles et intégration

10.05 Elena Torregaray: Mobilité et négotiation: les déplacements diplomatiques à Rome

10.45 BREAK

11.05 Andrea Zerbini: Forced displacement in Rome and Byzantium: patterns and responses 11.45 Stéphane Benoist: Coloni et incolae, vingt ans après! Mobilité et identité sociales et juridiques dans le monde romain occidental

12.25 Egbert Koops: Portable status? Incolae in the Flavian municipal laws

13.05 BREAK (Chair: Lukas de Blois )

14.30 Margherita Carucci: “Don’t go there! It’s not safe! You’ll die!” The dangers of female mobility in the Roman imperial times

15.10 Elio Lo Cascio: Concluding remarks

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