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15th Annual Postgraduate Symposium on the performance of ancient drama: "Viwing and Spectating

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FECHA/DATE/DATA: 29-30/06/2015


INFO: web -



Day 1: Monday 29th June 2015

Rehearsal Room 1 & 2 (West Block), Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, London NW3 3HY 10.45-

11.00 Registration

11.00-12.15 Modes of viewing Emily Poulter (Durham) – Interpreting characters’ responses to Iphigenia’s sacrifice through modern ‘gaze’ theories Jelle Verburg (Oxford) – Polemics in a Hellenistic-Jewish tragedy Maria Turri (Exeter) – Transference and Katharsis, Freud to Aristotle

12.15-1.15 Lunch

.15-2.30 Dynamics of viewing across time and place Houman Zandi-zadeh (Flinders) – Phaedra’s Love: Contemporary with a Classical sensibility Leyla Ozbek (Pisa) – Spectating a Stone on Stones: The Entrapment of Aeschylus’ Niobe Sean Kelly (Notre Dame) – Deianeira and the Audience: Sophocles’ Trachiniae, Ovid’s Metamorphoses, and Handel’s Hercules

2.30-2.50 Coffee

2.50-4.25 Public and private viewing Maria Haley (Leeds) – Hear No Evil, See No Evil: The Invocation and Infanticide of Seneca’s Medea on Stage and in Recitation Etta Chattarjee (KCL) – Staging Suicide: the necessity of the onstage suicide in Sophocles’ Ajax TBC Estelle Baudou (Nanterre) – The Point of View of a “Spect-actor”: Spaces and Speeches of the Chorus in Contemporary Performances of Oedipus Tyrannus

4.25-4.45 Coffee

4.45 Response and Reception

Day 2: Tuesday 30th June 2015 Ioannou Centre Lecture Theatre, 66 St. Giles’, Oxford OX1 3LU

11.00-12.15 Spaces and Spectating (i) Kirsty Sedgman (Independent researcher) – ‘Love Greek Drama Love the Brecon Setting’: Audience Responses to The Persians Mali Skotheim (Princeton) – Mixed Audiences: Spectatorship at the Greek Festivals of the Roman Imperial Period Anna Trostnikova (RHUL) – Legislation and theatre: spectators in Augustan Rome

12.15-1.10 Spaces and Spectating (ii) Rioghnach Sachs (KCL) – Sympotic Spectating in Aeschylus’ Seven Against Thebes Amelia Eichengreen (Durham) – Spectating, Experience, and the Changes under Rome at Greece's Oldest Theatre

1.10-2.10 Lunch 2.10-3.05 Spectating and State Power (i) Evi Stamatiou (RCSSD) – Aristophanes’ The Frogs as Vehicle for a Contemporary Audience: from Spectating to Participating Madeleine Scherer (Warwick) – Yaël Farber’s Molora

3.05-3.15 Coffee

3.15-4.10 Spectating and State Power (ii) Sandra Pereira Vinagre (Lisbon) – Spectating dictatorship through the Greeks in Portugal Cristina Perez Diaz (New York) – Re-evaluating the Greek chorus: Yuyachkani’s version of Antigone 4.10-5.00 Plenary, Response from Yana Zarifi and Margaret Coldiron

5.00-6.30 Dinner

7.00 – Włodzimierz Staniewski talks about his Pythian Oratorio – with excerpts performed by members of his Company, Staniewski Centre for Theatre Practices ”Gardzienice”, Jacqueline du Pré Music Building, St Hilda’s College

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