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Local Connections in the Literature of Late Antiquity - 01-02/07/2015, Oxford (England)

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 01-02/07/2015

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: International Society for Late Antique Literary Studies


INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: £6 por día / per day / al giorno


Wednesday, 1 July

9.30: Jesús Hernández Lobato (University of Oxford): ‘Decentring Rome: Ausonius’ Mosella as a Political and Epistemological Metaphor’

10.00: Joshua Hartman (University of Washington): ‘Ausonius, Theon, and the Creation of a Gallic Literature’

10.30: James Uden (Boston University): ‘Pharmacological Literature in Late Antiquity: Local Prescriptions, Global Poetics’

11:00: Coffee

11.30: Lorenzo Focanti (Ghent University): ‘Looking for an identity. The Patria and the Greek Cities between the Third and the Fourth Centuries AD’

12.00: Roberta Berardi (University of Bari) and Martina Filosa (University of Cologne): ‘Bilingual papyri containing fables: the relationship between Latin and Greek in Late Antique Egypt’

12.30: Zachary Domach (Columbia University): ‘Proverbial Communities’ in Late Antiquity: Literary Ties in Asia Minor and North Africa’

13.00: Lunch

14.00: Mattias Gassman (University of Cambridge): ‘Local Religion and Roman Culture in Late Fourth-Century Africa (Augustine, Epistulae 16-17)’

14.30: Richard Hillier (Yehudi Menuhin School): ‘Hoc state loco: Arator and the unorthodox other’

15.00: Benjamin Wheaton (University of Toronto): ‘The Expositio symboli of Venantius Fortunatus: Is it Aquileian or Gallic?’

15.30: Coffee

16.00: Linda Jones Hall (St. Mary’s College of Maryland): ‘‘Hiding in Plain Sight’: Concealing the Late Antique Writer’s Origins by Literary Conceits’

16.30: Laura Miguélez Cavero (University of Oxford): ‘Nonnus’ Literary Career’

17.00: Helen Kaufmann (University of Oxford): ‘Wandering poets in the West’

17.30: End

Thursday, 2 July

10.00: André Carneiro and Cláudia Teixeira (University of Évora): ‘Space and Landscape in Lusitania: between text and material evidence’

10.30: Lynton Boshoff (University of Oxford): ‘Repurposing Dracontius in Visigothic Spain’

11.00: Coffee

11.30: Alan Ross (University College Dublin): ‘Libanius’ Royal Discourse upon Constantius and Constans (Or. 59): Constructions of local identity in the fourth-century East’

12.00: Óscar Prieto Domínguez (University of Salamanca): ‘Greek Christian centos in 5th century local communities: A case study’

12.30: Dennis Trout (University of Missouri): ‘Monumental Verse Between Rome and Ravenna: Galla, Leo, and Neon’

13.00: Lunch

14.00: R.P.H. Green (University of Glasgow): ‘Two Gallic panegyrics in verse, by Sidonius Apollinaris’

14.30: Brian Brennan (Macquarie University): ‘The poetic construction of Gallic identities and local connections in the poetry of Venantius Fortunatus’

15.00: Joseph Pucci (Brown University): ‘Local and Global in the Poetry of Venantius Fortunatus’

15.30: Coffee

16.00: Hope Williard (University of Leeds): ‘Remembering St Hilary’

16.30: Sara Ehrling (University of Gothenburg): ‘Classical Roots and Local Connections in Late Antique Latin Epithalamia’

17.00: Cillian O’Hogan (The British Library): ‘Between local and universal: the martyr as hero in Prudentius’ Peristephanon’

17.30: Closing remarks

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