Music and the Body in Greek and Roman Antiquity - 29-30-31/07/2015, Newcastle (England)

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 29-30-31/07/2015
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Newcastle University (Newcastle, England)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Andrew Barker (Birmingham) ; David Creese (Newcastle) ; John Franklin (Vermont) ; Pauline LeVen (Yale) ; Liana Lomiento (Urbino) ; Angelo Meriani (Salerno) ; Eleonora Rocconi (Pavia)
INFO: web
INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: online hasta /online until / online fino al 22/07/2015
- Conferenciantes gratis / free for speakers / gratuito per relatori
- Otros / other / altri: £20
WEDNESDAY 29 JULY 13.00 Arrivals and registration 14.00-15.30 Music and the body in ancient medicine (1) • Francesco Pelosi, 'Music for life: embryology, cookery and harmonia in the Hippocratic De victu' • Donatella Restani, 'Dal concepimento alla nascita: la musica humana nelle fonti mediche' 15.30 Coffee 16.00-17.30 Music and the body in ancient medicine (2) • Andrew Barker, 'Reconstructing Galen's lost treatise On the Voice' • Sylvain Perrot, 'The apotropaic function of music inside the sanctuaries of Asclepios: votive offerings and ritual soundscape' 17.30 Reception 18.30-19.30 Keynote address Pierre Destrée (Louvain), 'Plato and Aristotle on Bodily and Emotional Pleasure in Music' THURSDAY 30 JULY 09.30-11.00 Music and the body in ancient philosophy • Juan Pablo Mira, 'Aristotle on musical emotions' • Elizabeth Lyon, 'Ethical aspects of listening in Plato's Timaeus' 11.00 Coffee 11.30-13.00 The aulos and the body • Anna Dolazza, 'Il corpo dell'auleta: produzione, percezione e visualizzazione del suono' • Nadia Baltieri, 'La musica, la danza e la frenesia “dionisiaca” nella tragedia euripidea' 13.00 Lunch (provided) 14.00-15.30 MOISA 'Free' papers • Armand D'Angour, 'Swinging the alphabet: music and vocables in ancient Greece' • Egert Pöhlmann, 'Ambrosian hymns: evidence for Roman music of late antiquity?' 15.30 Coffee 16.00-17.30 MOISA annual assembly 18.00-19.30 Concert 20.00 Conference dinner FRIDAY 31 JULY 09.30-11.00 Music and the dancing body (1) • Naomi Weiss, 'The choral body in Greek tragedy' • Sarah Olsen, 'Choreia, dance, and the unruly body' 11.00 Coffee 11.30-13.00 Music and the dancing body (2) • Zoa Alonso Fernández, 'Triumphale corpus mouebat: dance and corporeality in Roman public religion' • Karin Schlapbach, 'The fictionality of dance and the reality of musical performance in Longus' Daphnis and Chloe' 13.00 Lunch (provided)