The Postgraduate and Early Career Late Antiquity Network - 29/08/2015, London (England)

The Postgraduate and Early Career Late Antiquity Network (hosted and supported by the Institute of Classical Studies) would like to invite contributions to its second workshop, to be convened around the theme of ‘conversions’. The workshop, to be held at Senate House, London, on Saturday, 29th August, aims at providing an informal, but focused, environment to present one’s research and discuss current trends and issues in the field of Late Antique studies. The latter, having undergone multiple transformations since its creation as a distinct discipline of Ancient History, has become in recent years a varied and multi-disciplinary scholarly field. From religious identity to spatial transformations and changing theoretical frameworks, the Late Antiquity Network therefore offers the opportunity to gather different perspectives, sets of evidence and methodologies within a single setting, so as to foster a dynamic and up-to-date academic environment and promote the study of Late Antiquity at postgraduate and early career levels.
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 29/08/2015
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Senate House (London, England)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Rebecca Usherwood ; Jeff Veitch ; Gabrielle Villais ; David Walsh ; Douglas Underwood
INFO: facebook -
10AM – Registration, Coffee/Tea
10.30AM – Topographical Conversions
Chair: David Walsh
Maria Kneafsey (Exeter) ‘Burial topography and boundaries in late antique Rome’
Silviu Anghel (Gottingen) ‘Athenian Past as Neoplatonic Present. Cultural Conversion of Space and History in Late Antique Athens.’
Ian McElroy (Glasgow) ‘Experience, ruin and landscape appropriation: temple-church conversion in the Eastern Mediterranean’
12PM – Lunch
1PM Imperial Conversions
Chair: Rebecca Usherwood
Taylor FitzGerald (Exeter) ‘Socer, Rebellis, Divus: Conversions of the image of Maximian in Constantinian political discourse’
Joel Leslie (Glasgow) ‘Christianity, Conversion and the Role of the Emperor in the Fourth Century’
Lea Niccolai (Pisa) ‘Δείγματα δεινῆς ἀγροικίας: ‘traces of irremediable savagery’ in Emperor Julian’s Misopogon’
2.30PM: Tea and Coffee
3PM – Religious Conversion
Chair: Gabrielle Villais
Alex Petkas (Princeton) ‘The Context and Compositional Unity of Synesius of Cyrene's Hymn 1’
Nicholas Mataya (Swansea) ‘Charity Before Division: The Strange Case of Severinus of Noricum and the Pseudo-Evangelisation of the Rugians’
Robin Whelan (Oxford) ‘Propter dei causas: Homoian Christianity in Ostrogothic Italy’
4.30PM – Roundtable Discussion: ‘Periodization and Late Antiquity: can Late Antiquity only be an age of transformation and conversion?’ Chair: Jeff Veitch