Access to Classics in Schools and Communities: Two Years On - 19/09/2015, Cambridge (England)

This conference aims to bring together all those interested in the teaching and learning of Latin and Greek in schools, colleges, universities and communities in the UK and around the world. Building on the success of the first ‘Classics in Communities’ conference in Oxford in November 2013, the themes of this year’s conference will include: widening access to Classical languages; emerging practices in Classics pedagogies; improving community cohesion through Classics; the cross-curricular value of Classical languages and the appeal/merits of non-linguistic Classics. Keynote speakers will be Tim Whitmarsh, A.G. Leventis Professor of Greek Culture at the University of Cambridge and Tom Holland, celebrated British novelist and ancient historian.
In addition to those teaching Classical subjects at all levels, the audience for this conference might also include senior leadership, educationalists and policy makers.
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 19/09/2015
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Faculty of Classics, Cambridge University (Cambridge, England)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Mai Musié (University of Oxford) ; Emma Searle (University of Oxford) ; Arlene Holmes-Henderson (University of Oxford) ; Lorna Robinson (The Iris Project) ; Steven Hunt (University of Cambridge)
INFO: web - ;
INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: £20; formulario online / registration online / registrazione online
PROGRAMA/PROGRAM/PROGRAMMA: disponible en PDF/available in PDF/disponibile in PDF