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Seleukid Study Day V: Rome and the Seleukid East - 21-22-23/08/2015, Bruxelles (Belgium)

This collaborative project seeks to revisit a watershed period of World History that saw Rome, one of the longest lasting empires of all time, rise to become the sole superpower in the Mediterranean, while, at the same time, the Seleukid kingdom - one of the largest in the ancient world - was slowly but steadily disintegrating. The Seleukids had established themselves as the strongest of all of the 'Successor Kings' after the death of Alexander the Great (323 BCE), and their territory extended as far as Thrace in the West and Bactria in the East for about a century (312/281 - 190). The kingdom's demise started after it suffered military defeat at the hands of the Romans (191/190), but this did not trigger its collapse; the dynasty dragged on for more than another century, without further Roman military intervention. Thus, Roman military prowess cannot sufficiently explain the shift of power in the 2nd century BCE; why, then, was the Seleukid Dynasty able to persist for so long? Both the importance and complexity of this development requires a truly interdisciplinary approach by an international team of experts for its elucidation.

The Seleukid Study Group offers an ideal context for this kind of research, since it not only brings together leading Seleukid historians with differing geographical, thematic or linguistic experience, but also includes renowned scholars of Roman foreign policy. Initiated at Waterloo, Ontario in 2010, this caucus has quickly established research on the Seleukid Empire as a vibrant new trend in Canadian Classical Studies. With host institutions alternating between Canada and Europe, the extent of both national and international participation has been growing ever since: 12 countries will be involved in 2015.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 21-22-23/08/2015


INFO: Web - -



Fr., 21 August

13:30 David Engels & Altay CoÅŸkun: Welcome and Introduction

Panel I: Doctoral Dissertation Projects on the Later Seleukids

14:00–14:45 Marijn S. Visscher MA (

PhD Candidate, Durham University, UK

Antiochos the Great as Hellenistic Poet? Acts of Kingship and the Literary Tradition

14:45–15:30 DJ Houle MA (

PhD Candidate McMaster University, Hamilton ON, Canada

Livy's Ethnics and the Soldiers of Antiochos III and IV

15:45–16:30 Marie-Astrid Buelens MA (

PhD Candidate, Histoire Ancienne, UlB, Brussels, Belgium

Antiochos fuit, Rome aussi ? La bataille des Thermopyles et son issue alternative dans un fragment oraculaire de Phlégon de Tralles (FGrH 257 F 36 III)

16:30–17:15 Fuad Alidoust MA (

PhD Candidate, Ancient History, University of Mainz, Germany

Justin’s Representation of Demetrios II. Nikator and His View on the Parthians

17:30–18:15 Robin Hämmerling MA (

PhD Candidate, Department of Ancient History, University of Trier, Germany

On Hasmonean-Roman Diplomacy from Judas Maccabee to Simon and Its Impact on the Seleukid Empire

18:15–19:00 Gunnar R. Dumke MA (

PhD Candidate, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Germany

Becoming Roman – Staying Seleukid? The Posthumous Philip Coinage Reconsidered

19:05–19:50 Chiara Grigolin MA (

PhD Candidate, Durham University, UK

Antioch’s Foundation Myth and the Antonine Cultural Milieu

Saturday, 22 August

Panel II: Short- and Long-Term Effects of the Treaty of Apameia

9:00–9:45 Dr. Adrian Dumitru (

Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Metropolitan Library, Bucharest, Romania

The Territorial Clause in the Treaty of Apameia

9:45–10:30 Prof. Dr. Nicholas Sekunda (

Department of History, University of Danzig, Poland

The Seleukid Elephant Corps after Apameia

11:00–11:45 Dr. Richard Wenghofer (

Assistant Professor, Classical Studies, Nipissing University, North Bay ON, Canada

The Failure of Kinship Diplomacy among the Later Seleukid Kings

11:45–12:30 Dr. Christoph Michels (

Research Associate, Ancient History, RWTH Aachen, Germany

From One Hegemon to the Next? The Kingdoms of Anatolia after Apameia

Panel III: Continuity, Revival and Change under Antiochos IV and His Successors

13:30–14:15 Prof. Dr. Rolf Strootman (

Ancient Middle-East History, Dept. of Ancient History, Utrecht University, Netherlands

Antiochos IV’s Procession at Daphne as a Manifestation of the Revival of Seleukid Expansionism

14:15–15:00 Rabbi Dr. Benjamin Scolnic (

Lecturer in Judaic Studies, Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven CT, USA

The Roman Persecution of the Bacchants and Antiochos IV’s Persecution of the Jews

15:30–16:15 Dr. Kyle Erickson (‎)

Head of Department, Classical Studies, Trinity St. David, Lampeter, Wales, UK

Antiochos IV and Apollo

16:15–17:00 Dr. Svyatoslav Smirnov (

Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Timarchos – Satrap, Rebel and King in the Hellenistic East

17:15–18:00 Dr. Gillian Ramsey (

Adjunct Professor, Classical Studies, University of Toronto, Canada

‘The Four Generals in the Land’: Late Seleukid Administration in Babylonia

Panel IV: Diplomacy between Rome and the East after Apameia

18:00–18:45 Dr. Omar Coloru (

Independent Researcher, Pisa, Italy

Seleukid Diplomacy, the Roman Republic and the Circulation of Information

Sunday, 23 August

9:00–9:45 Dr. Altay Coşkun (

Associate Professor of Classical Studies, University of Waterloo ON, Canada

Simon Maccabee, Friendship with Rome and Seleukid Disintegration: a Case-Study of Triangular Diplomacy (142/41 BC)

9:45–10:30 Prof. Dr. Edward Dąbrowa (

Jagellionian University, Cracow, Poland

The Seleukids, Rome and the Jews (134-76 BC)

Panel V: Symbolic Battles and the Representation of the Seleukids as Persians

11:00–11:45 Dr. Eran Almagor (

Jerusalem, Israel

Echoes of the Graeco-Persian Wars in the Roman-Syrian War in Greece (with an Emphasis on Plut. Cat. Mai. 12-14)

11:45–12:30 Prof. Dr. David Engels (

Chaire d’Histoire Romaine, UlB, Brussels, Belgium

Du metus Syricus à la natio servituti nata. La Syrie et les Syriens dans l’imaginaire politique et historiographique de la République romaine tardive

12:30–13:00 Final Discussion

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