Multitudo: a multisensory, multilayered and multidirectional approach to classical studies - 21/11/2

The aim of this one-day workshop is to bring together postgraduate students and early career researchers interested in taking a multidisciplinary approach to sensory studies of Greek and Roman societies, with a particular focus on performance and religion. The format is a series of paired 10 minute presentations with 20 minute discussions and group activities.
The objective of the workshop is to explore the value of applying sensory approaches to the material and literary evidence of the ancient world and illustrate how they complement and/or contradict each other. The underlying theme is an exploration of the perceptions and experiences of those who lived in the classical world and how an attempt to reconstruct these sensory experiences extends, creates, or alters our perceptions of the past and the lives and identities of its inhabitants. In particular, the workshop will ask how we might develop and apply methodologies for recreating experiences of Graeco-Roman urban and rural landscapes, as well as the activities, rites, behaviours and meanings associated with them, with a focus on how empirical sensory data may combine, or at times conflict, with that of ancient sources.
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 21/11/2015
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Howard Rooms 1-2 - Digby Stuart College, Roehampton University (London, England)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Alessandra Abbattista (University of Roehampton) ; Eleanor Betts (Open University)
INFO: web -