An Afternoon with the Apiones: New Evidence from an Aristocratic Large Estate in Late Antiquity - 04

The so-called "Apion archive" is one of the largest groups of papyri recovered from the sands of Egypt: it consists of hundreds of documents relating to a wealthy aristocratic family with a large estate in the Egyptian city of Oxyrhynchus. Its members rose from middling managers of imperial estates in the fifth century to holders of some of the highest offices in Constantinople in the sixth century. We do not know of any other Egyptian family with such a high profile on the imperial scene, nor are we informed so well about the estates of any other senatorial family across the empire. The Apion archive has therefore always been at the forefront of discussions of the economy, society, and administration of Late Antiquity, and it has generated no less than five monographs dedicated exclusively or in large part to it in the past 15 years.
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 04/09/2015
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Lady Margaret Hall, Norham Gardens, Oxford University (Oxford, England)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Amin Benaissa (Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford); Nikolaos Gonis (Department of Greek and Latin, University College London)
INFO: web -;
Attendance of the conference is open to the public and free (including tea & coffee), but advance registration is necessary as space is limited. If you plan to attend, please inform the organisers (;
14:30 Introduction (A. Benaissa)
14:40-15:20 N. Gonis (UCL), “The Apions and Other Nobles in Fifth-Century Oxyrhynchus: Some Reflections”
15:20-16:00 G. Azzarello (Udine), “‘Behind Every Great Fortune There is a Crime’: Balzac, the Godfather and the Apiones”
16:00-16:30 Coffee break
16:30-17:10 M. Mountford (UCL), “Great Landowners and Religious Offerings: Some New Evidence”
17:10-17:50 T. M. Hickey (Berkeley), “PSI 76 and the Structure of Labor on the Large Estates of Byzantine Egypt”
17:50-18:30 R. McConnell (Bowdoin), “Historical Analogues to Tax Collection on the Apion Estate”