Workshop: Materialising Poetry - 08/09/2015, Reading (England)

Recent years have seen increasing levels of interest in the material dimension(s) of poetry. Just as there appears to be defining spatial and societal contexts for poems, whose study is essential for a thorough appreciation of a poem’s meaning(s), its materiality is increasingly understood as a defining, perhaps even vital, feature of verbal art. The investigation of textual materiality (or, in fact, materialities) thus becomes an important step towards a more adequate and complex understanding of poetic artifice.
From the sounds and images that begin to take shape in a writer’s head to the impact that poetry has on the human brain, from the choice of writing material and the deliberate, careful design of a poem’s layout to the multidimensional sensual stimulus that comes with an encounter of poetry: during its life-cycle, poetry undergoes multiple material transformations. In fact, it seems as though each and every material transformation, often occurring in conjunction with a change of ‘ownership’, has its own, often significant impact on the nature of the artefact itself.
This international and interdisciplinary workshop will, in an informal and communicative setting, explore the materialities of poetry as well as the poets’ playful and intellectual interactions with this dimension. While the main focus will lie on the verbal artistry of the ancient Mediterranean (broadly conceived), specialist contributions will also elucidate creative processes, craftsmanship, and the cognitive science that underpin the ways in which poetry materialises.
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 08/09/2015
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Department of Classics, University of Reading (Reading, England)
INFO: web -
There is no booking fee, but as space is limited, and in order to help the organisers arrange catering, it would be helpful if those intending to come could contact Prof. Peter Kruschwitz at p.kruschwitz [at] by 1 September at the very latest.
10.00–10.15 Rachel Mairs & Peter Kruschwitz (Reading): Opening Remarks 10.15–10.45 Jan Kwapisz (Warszaw): Alternative Altars
10.45–11.15 Ian Rutherford (Reading): Greek Carmina Figurata 11.30–12.00 Rachel Mairs (Reading): A Greek Acrostich from Kandahar
12.00–12.30 Peter Robinson (Reading): 'Sein und Zeit': Composing a Poem 14.00–14.30 María Limón (Seville): How to write poetry: the layout of the Carmina Latina Epigraphica.
14.30–15.00 Peter Kruschwitz (Reading): How the Carmina Latina Epigraphica wish to be read 15.15–15.45 Sue Walker (Reading): Ends of strokes and lines: a typographer's view of Roman inscriptional lettering
15.45–16.15 Ségolène Tarte (Oxford): Cognitive Approaches to Textual Artefacts