Generic Enrichment in Plutarch’s Lives: Narrative, Character, and Moralising - 28/11/2015, Oxford (E

The conference explores the literary effect of ‘generic enrichment’ (Harrison, S. (2007), Generic Enrichment in Vergil and Horace (Oxford), that is, the different ways in which the Plutarchan biographical ‘genre’ develops, expands, and deepens its texture by confronting and interacting with other 'genres’. More precisely, it aims to examine the different devices which generic enrichment in Plutarch's Lives may include, the ways in which generic complexity is used as part of Plutarch’s characterising and moralising techniques as well as any differences or similarities between the effect of generic enrichment in Plutarch’s biographies and in other 'genres'.
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Faculty of Classics at the University of Oxford (Oxford, England)
INFO: web -
-Registro / registration / registrazione:£30
-Cena / dinner / cena:£30
-Inscripción para miembros, contactar a la organización / registration for members, contact to the organization /registrazione per iscriti, contattare l'organizzazione:
-Beca para estudiantes disponible / student bursary available / borsa per studenti disponibile: deadline 01/10/2015
08:30-09:00: Registration
09.00-09.15: Welcome/Introduction
(Chrysanthos Chrysanthou, University of Oxford)
09.15-09.30: Introduction to the concept of ‘Generic Enrichment’
(Stephen Harrison, University of Oxford)
09.30-10.00: Plutarch’ Lives and archaic lyric
(Larry Kim, University of Heidelberg/Trinity University)
10.00-10.30: Plutarch’s Lives and Hesiod
(Zoe Stamatopoulou, Pennsylvania State University)
10.30-10.50: Break
11.00-11.30: Plutarch’s Lives, classical oratory and rhetoric
(Mike Edwards, University of Roehampton)
11.30-12.00: Plutarch's Intertexts
(Timothy Duff, University of Reading)
12.00-12.30: Tragicomedy? Generic enrichment in Plutarch, Demetrius 38
(Judith Mossman, University of Nottingham)
12.30-13.20: Break
13.30-14.00: The Unbearable Lightness of philosophia
(Alexei Zadorojnyi, University of Liverpool)
14.00-14.30: The effects of medical intertext in Plutarch’s Lives
(Maria Vamvouri Roufou, University of Lausanne)
14.30-15.00: Plutarch’s landscapes
(Jason König, University of St Andrews)
15.00-15.20: Break
15.30-16.00: Plutarch’s Lives and fiction
(Karen Ni-Mheallaigh, University of Exeter)
16.00-16.30: Plutarch’s use of non-Literary texts
(Craig Cooper, University of Lethbridge)
16.30-17.00: Varieties of Plutarchan Intertext
(Lucy Fletcher, University of Reading)
17.00-17.20: Break
17.30-18.15: Conclusions/Final discussion
(Chris Pelling, University of Oxford)