Animal Sacrifice in Ancient Greece Workshops Krakow - 12-13-14-15/11/2015, Krakow (Poland)
The team of the research project „Animal Sacrifice in Ancient Greece in the Light of Philological testimonies” (Jagiellonian University, Krakow) informs that on November, 12th-15th 2015 in Krakow will take place the first session of the international workshops on sacrifice. The results of the first year of our research will be presented and discussed in detail in front of a group of most recognized scholars in the field: prof. prof.: Gunnel Ekroth (Uppsala Universitet), Lukasz Niesiolowski-Spano (Uniwersytet Warszawski), Robert Parker (University of Oxford), Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge (Université de Liège), Scott Scullion (University of Oxford), Richard Seaford (University of Exeter), Marek Wecowski (Uniwersytet Warszawski). The experts as well as the members of the team will also deliver open lectures on the issues concerning the animal sacrifice.
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 12-13-14-15/11/2015
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Jagiellonian University (Krakow, Poland)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Instytut Kultury na Wydziale Zarządzania i omunikacji Społecznej UJ (Institute of Classical Studies of the Jagiellonian University)
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