Women Writing the Classics - 22/09/2015; 06-20/10/2015; 07-24/11/2015; 8/12/2015, London (England)

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 22/09/2015; 06-20/10/2015; 07-24/11/2015; 8/12/2015
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Senate house (London, England)
INFO: web - ruth.macdonald.2012@live.rhul.ac.uk-francesca.kaminski.2012@live.rhul.ac.uk
22nd September: Women Writers, Classics, and Children's Literature. Speakers: Gail Strickland and Caroline Lawrence, chaired by Frances Foster (Cambridge). 6-8pm, Room G35 (ground floor).
6th October: Classics in Contemporary Women's Poetry. Speakers: Tiffany Atkinson (UEA) and Erica McAlpine (Oxford), chaired by Maria Wyke (UCL). 6-8pm, Room G35 (ground floor).
20th October: Women Translating the Classics. Speakers: Josephine Balmer and Clare Pollard, chaired by Lorna Hardwick (OU). 6-8pm, Room G35 (ground floor).
7th November: 'My safety lies with other poets/ who've shown the way they took through shadows': Gwyneth Lewis and the Classics. The event will include readings and a talk by Gwyneth Lewis, a joint paper by Fiona Cox (Exeter) & Elena Theodorakopoulos (Birmingham) on 'Homer and Contemporary Women's Writing', and Ruth MacDonald (RHUL) on 'The Homeric Hero in Gwyneth Lewis's A Hospital Odyssey'. There will also be opportunity for discussion between the speakers and audience, chaired by Elena Theodorakopoulos. 2-6pm, Room 104 (first floor).
24th November: Classics in Contemporary Drama. Speakers: Phyllis Brighouse and the 'By Jove Theatre Company', who will also be performing a scene from their recent Bacchae. Chaired by Nick Lowe (RHUL). 6-8pm, Room G35 (ground floor).
8th December: Classics in Contemporary Women's Prose. Speakers: Elizabeth Cook and Salley Vickers, chaired by Efi Spentzou (RHUL). 6-8pm, Room G35 (ground floor).