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Alternative Greek Histories: Regional Perspectives - 11-12/09/2015, Leicester (England)

This round table will adopt a playful, ‘what if...’ approach to the writing of ancient Greek history, exploring alternative narratives drawing from different regional perspectives. What would the shape of Greek history look like if we assumed it to be focused on Sicily or Crete rather than mainland Greece? Would a Hellenika written by Lucian have been dramatically different to one written by Favorinus? And what form might Greek history take if it was written, not by Greeks, but by their neighbours?

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 11-12/09/2015


INFO: web -


Places are extremely limited, please contact Naoise Mac Sweeney ( for details.


Friday 11th September

9:30 – Registration and coffee

10:00 – Robin Osborne, Cambridge (Athens and Attica): Material culture and regional politics: the case of archaic Attica

10:45 – Sam Gartland, Oxford (Boeotia): Up for grabs: A Boiotian periodisation through fear and domination, 1500BC-287BC

11:30 – Coffee

11:45 – Graham Shipley, Leicester (the Peloponnese): “We, too, have televisions”: a Peloponnesian view of Greece under Macedonian domination

12:30 – Emma Aston, Reading (Thessaly): Pausanias’ lost eleventh book

13:15 – Lunch

14:30 – Brice Ericksen, Santa Barbara (Crete): Elite competition and state formation on Crete

15:15 – Christy Constantakopoulou, Birkbeck (the Aegean islands): One or many seas? Regionalism and the Aegean islands between the 8th and the 1st century

16:00 – Coffee

16:15 – Joe Skinner, Newcastle (Greek Asia Minor): The Eastern Greeks: Ionians, Dorians and others in Asia Minor

17:00 – Naoíse Mac Sweeney, Leicester (non-Greek Asia Minor): Carians on Greeks

17:45 – Drinks reception

19:30 – Dinner

Saturday 12th September

9:30 – Registration and coffee

10:00 – Michael Scott, Warwick (Cyrene): A view from North Africa: stuck between blue and sandy seas

10:45 – Thom Russell, Oxford (Black Sea): Dionysius of Byzantium on the Bosphorus Strait

11:30 – Coffee

12:00 – Lin Foxhall, Liverpool (Magna Graecia): Title tbc

12:45 – Lunch

13:45 – Alex Mullen, Oxford (western Mediterranean): A Gallo-Greek history

14:30 – Johannes Haubold, Durham (Near East): Berossus’ history of Greece: a thought experiment

15:15 – Final discussion

16:00 – End

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