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Replicas in Roman Art: Redeeming the Copy? - 01-02/10/2015, Oxford (England)

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 01-02/10/2015

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Classical Art Research Centre - University of Oxford

INFO: web -


Attendance is free, but please book a place by contacting


Thursday 1st October, 2015

1000 Welcome and Introduction: The Problem of the Replica

Dr Peter Stewart (Director, Classical Art Research Centre)

1100 Break - coffee and tea

1130 Types and Versions in Roman Art: Some Contexts

Prof RRR Smith (Oxford)

1230 Lunch (not provided)

1400 Retrospective Styles in Late Hellenistic and Roman Art: Terminology and Interpretation

Prof Christopher Hallett (Berkeley)

1500Replicas, Copies, and Representations: Some Material and Methodological Considerations

Dr Ken Lapatin (J. Paul Getty Museum)

1600 Tea/coffee break

1630 Pictorial Qualities and their Replication

Prof Michael Koortbojian (Princeton)

1730 Concluding comments on day 1.


Friday 2nd October, 2015

1000 Anonymous 'Originals': Greek Sculpture of the Classical Period in Roman Context

Dr Gabriella Cirucci (Pisa)

1100 Break - coffee and tea

1130 From Bronze to Marble: Sculpture Copies and their Supports

Dr Anna Anguissola


1230 Lunch (not provided)

1400The Syon House Aphrodite

Dr Julia Lenaghan (Oxford)

1500 A History and Theory of Lock - Counting

Dr Ellen Perry (Holy Cross)

1600 Tea/coffee break

1630 Intertextuality and Roman Visual Culture: A New Approach to Roman Ideal Sculpture

Dr Julia Habetzeder


1730 Response by Amanda Claridge (Royal Holloway)

Round-table discussion and concluding comments

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