Threshold Concepts and Teaching Ancient Religion (or: what has educational development ever done for

Educational developers are the Euripidean oistros of teaching in higher education, pushing for small changes that could accumulate into a transformation. But this does not always appear to pose intellectual challenges within a discipline so it becomes 'teaching, not research'. One framework in this area is 'threshold concepts' which, instead of smoothing out the learning journey, emphasises its initiatory aspects. It hovers inquisitively around the perplexity and intellectual transformation that we are seeking to induce as teachers of ancient religion, and invites the kind of reconceptualisation that blurs distinctions like 'teaching' and 'research'. This TLAR session will introduce threshold concepts briefly and then experiment with rethinking the teaching of ancient religion.
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 23/09/2015
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Senate House, Institute of Classical Studies (London, England)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Esther Eidinow (University of Nottingham), Susan Deacy (University of Roehampton), Jason Davies (UCL)
INFO: web -
If you plan to attend, it would be helpful if you could let one of the organisers know (emails below), so we can keep track of numbers (but this is not essential).
Room 246, Senate House, London. September 23rd 2015, at 5.30pm.
Threshold Concepts and Teaching Ancient Religion (or: what has educational development ever done for us?)
Jason Davies, UCL