Exeter Classics & Ancient History research seminars - 23-30/09, 07-14-21/10, 04-11-18-25/11, 02/

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 23-30/09, 07-14-21/10, 04-11-18-25/11, 02/12/2015
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Amory Building, University of Exeter (Exeter, England)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Prof. Matthew Wright; Prof. Lynette Mitchell
INFO: m.wright@ex.ac.uk - l.g.mitchell@ex.ac.uk
September 23 Dr Bill Allan (Oxford)
Solon and the rhetoric of stasis
September 30 Prof. Robin Osborne (Cambridge)
(*CA Lecture, XFi Lecture Theatre, 5 p.m.)
The power of images in classical Athens
October 7 Prof. Peter Wiseman (Exeter)
Augustus and the Roman people
October 14 Dr Paola Bassino (Exeter)
Marcus Musurus, reader of the Certamen Homeri et Hesiodi
October 21 Dr Claire Holleran (Exeter)
Migration in Roman Spain
November 4 Dr Kurt Lampe (Bristol)
Orestes and the tragicomedy of agency
November 11 Prof. John Wilkins (Exeter)
Galen on the relationship between fish and human beings
November 18 Dr Maria Fragoulaki (Cardiff)
Flexibility, fluidity and authorial agency: ethnicity in Thucydides
November 25 Dr David Fearn (Warwick)
Ecphrastic politics in Pindar, Pythian One
December 2 Prof. Maria Wyke (UCL)
(*CA Lecture, XFi Lecture Theatre, 5 p.m.)
Ancient Rome in silent cinema