University of Nottingham Classics research workshops - 29/09, 06-13-20-27/10, 10-17-24/11, 08/12/201

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 29/09, 06-13-20-27/10, 10-17-24/11, 08/12/2015
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: University of Nottingham (Nottingham, England)
INFO: web -
Sept. 29th: Sian Lewis (St Andrews) 'Space and Power in the Tyrannical Polis'
Oct. 6th: Helen Lovatt (Nottingham) 'Trauma and Survival in Virgil's Aeneid'
and Oliver Thomas (Nottingham) 'Helen's Prozac'
Oct. 13th: Judith Mossman (Nottingham) 'Plutarch, Lucian and the 6th Century BC'
and Andreas Kropp (Nottingham) 'The Palmyra Portrait Project'
Oct. 20th: Elena Theodorakopoulos (Birmingham) 'Spectacle: Looking at Rome in Film'
Oct. 27th: Kevin Butcher (Warwick) 'Baetylmania: coins, memory and cult in the Roman Near East'
Nov. 10th: Federico Santangelo (Newcastle) 'Municipal Viewpoints on the Late Republican Civil Wars'
Nov. 17th: (Classical Association; start time 5.30) Kathryn Tempest (Roehampton) 'Hellenophiles or Hellenophobes? Ciceronian and Roman Attitudes Towards the Greeks'
Nov. 24th (Centre for Spartan and Peloponnesian Studies): Maria Pretzler (Swansea) 'Small States in the Peloponnesian League: What was in it for them - and for Sparta'
Dec. 1st (Institute for the Study of Slavery): David Lewis (Nottingham) 'The Economics of the Classical Slave Supply, with Achaemenid Phrygia as a Case Study'
Dec. 8th: Barbara Graziosi (Durham) 'Solutions from Character'