Roehampton CA Branch Events 2015-16; 28/09, 26/10, 16/11/2015, 19/01, 22/02, 14/03/2016 London (Engl

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 28/09, 26/10, 16/11/2015, 19/01, 22/02, 14/03/2016
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: University of Roehampton, (London, England)
We are pleased to announce the programme of events for the South-West London and Roehampton CA Branch. All events will take place from 5:30-7pm (doors open at 5:15pm), at University of Roehampton, Roehampton Lane, London, SW15 5PH, in Duchesne, room 001. 2015 Monday 28 September, Dr Filippo Carla (University of Exeter) Between Human and Divine: Transgender Dynamics in Graeco-Roman Antiquity Monday 26 October, Prof. Annalisa Marzano (Reading) Economy and Trade Monday 16 November, Dr Eve MacDonald (Reading) Hannibal, Livy and Remembering War 2016 Monday 18 January, Dr Emma Stafford (University of Leeds) Herakles Monday 22 February, Professor Greg Woolf (Director of the Institute of Classical Studies) The Invention of Religion(s) in the Roman World Monday 14 March, Dr Lucy Jackson (University of Oxford) Poets, musicians, actors and… choreuts? Theatre professionals in the fifth century BCE