Medieval and Ancient Research Seminar (MARS), University of Sheffield - 07-21/10, 05-11-18/11, 02-09

MARS is a seminar series that brings together the wealth of research conducted on the ancient and medieval worlds within the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. This year’s programme (2015-16) covers subjects from ancient Greece and Rome to medieval Europe, from Antigone in the First World War to intellectuals in the ninth century.
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 07-21/10, 05-11-18/11, 02-09/12/2015, 02-16/03, 21-27/04, 04/05/2016
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Humanities Research Instituto, University of Sheffield (Sheffield, England)
INFO: web -
Week 2 (7 October 2015) Dirk Rohmann (History) ‘Fahrenheit AD 451: Christianity, Book-Burning and the Big Bang Theory in Late Antiquity’
Week 4 (21 October 2015) Ranjan Sen (English Language & Linguistics) ‘The Talking Dead: Resurrecting the reasons for early Latin phonological change’
Week 6 (Thursday 5 November 2015) With the Classical Association (Sheffield branch) Christy Constantakopoulou (Birkbeck) ‘Having fun with inventories: female dedications in the sanctuary of Delos’
Week 7 (11 November 2015) In association with the Society for Medieval Archaeology and the HRI Fellowship programme Roger Wright (Liverpool) ‘Eighth-Century Mobility: Romance-speaking Berbers and their contribution to Old Spanish’
Week 8 (18 November 2015) PhD research session Philippa Read (French, Leeds) ‘Ancient female role models resurrected in First World War France: The case of Antigone’ Carrie Sawtell (Archaeology) ‘People and Places: Thinking about the Logistics of Commemoration in Classical Athens’
Week 10 (2 December 2015) Máirín MacCarron (History) ‘Saint-making: medieval and modern’
Week 11 (9 December 2015) Hartmut Leppin (Frankfurt) ‘The Roman Empire in John of Ephesus’ Historiography: A Syriac’s Perspective’
Week 2 (Tuesday 16 February 2016, 4.15pm, venue TBC) MARS Extra, in association with the HRI Fellowship programme Stefan Esders (Berlin) ‘Late Roman law’
Week 2 (17 February 2016)
In association with the HRI Fellowship programme Elena Isayev (Exeter) ‘No Migrants: Mobility in ancient Italy before borders’
Week 4 (2 March 2016) PhD research session Harry Mawdsley (History) ‘Exile in the post-Roman west’ Martin Huggon (Archaeology) ‘Christ’s Poor Men (and Women) in the English Medieval Hospital: Structures of Charity, Spaces of Health’
Week 6 (16 March 2016) With the Hunter Archaeological Society Hector Orengo (Archaeology) ‘Landscapes of the past: new digital methods for their reconstruction and interpretation’
Week 8 (THURSDAY 21 April 2016 – Birkdale School) With the Classical Association and the Historical Association (Sheffield branches) Greg Woolf (Institute of Classical Studies) ‘Were the ancient Romans really mostly illiterate?’
Week 9 (27 April 2016) Tim Shephard (Music) ‘Stupid Midas’: Visualising Musical Judgement and Moral Judgement in Italy ca.1500’
Week 10 (4 May 2016) Rachel Stone (KCL) ‘The Public Intellectual in the Carolingian World’