University of Manchester: Classics and Ancient History Research Seminars - 01-08-15-22-29/10, 12-19-

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 01-08-15-22-29/10, 12-19-26/11, 03-10-17/12/2015
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Samuel Alexanderilding, University of Manchester (Manchester, England)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Peter Morton (University of Manchester)
INFO: web -
If you are coming from outside the university, please check with the seminar convenor ( for any last-minute changes before travelling.
Week 1. 1st October.
Bruce Gibson (Liverpool), ‘Ovid and Juan Ruiz’s Libro de buen amor.’ Week 2. 8th October.
Alex Wilding (Manchester), ‘Religious activity at the Oropian Amphiareion.’ Week 3. 15th October.
Emily Kneebone (Newnham, Cambridge), ‘Eternal time in later Greek epic.’ Week 4. 22nd October.
Samuel Barry (Manchester), ‘Examples of exceptional convergence between the earliest Arabic translation of the Hippocratic Aphorisms and glosses attributed to Paul of Aegina in the Syriac Lexiconof Ḥasan bar Bahlul.’ Week 5. 29th October.
Daryn Lehoux (Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario), ‘Spontaneous Generation after Aristotle.’ Week 6 – Reading Week, no seminar. Week 7. 12th November.
Francesco Camagni (Manchester), ‘“The Greeks had a word for it”: mapping the non-Indo-European component of the Greek vocabulary.’ Week 8. 19th November.
Jan Haywood (Leicester), ‘Helen and the Trojan War in Greek Historiography.’ Week 9. 26th November.
Amy Coker (Manchester), ‘The Limits of Obscenity: Looking for Bad Language in Ancient Greek.’ Week 10. 3rd December.
David Carter (Reading), ‘Obligation in ancient Greek.’ Week 11. 10the December.
Rebecca Flemming (Jesus, Cambridge), ‘One-seed, two-seed, three-seed? Reassessing ancient theories of generation.’ Week 12. 17th December.
Steve Green (UCL), ‘Grattius' Cynegetica and Augustus’