Leicester seminars - 27/01, 03-10-17-24/02, 09-16/03, 27/04, 04-11/05/2016, Leicester (England)

The School of Archaeology & Ancient History, University of Leicester, holds staff–postgraduate research seminars on Wednesday afternoons in term-time. Some of these are also under the auspices of the Leicestershire & Rutland Classical Association. Here is the provisional programme for the autumn:
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 27/01, 03-10-17-24/02, 09-16/03, 27/04, 04-11/05/2016
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Archaeology & Ancient History Building, University of Leicester (Leicester, England)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Sarah Scheffler; Rachel Wilkinson; Manolis PagkalosSarah SchefflerSarah Scheffler
INFO: ss908@le.ac.uk. - rew26@le.ac.uk. - mp482@le.ac.uk.
4.30 pm – Refreshments and themed cake in the School foyer 5 pm – seminar
7 October: Prof. Clive Orton (UCL), ‘I took up archaeology to get away from this sort of stuff’
14 October: Prof. Mike Parker Pearson (UCL), ‘Stonehenge – recent research’
21 October: Dr Sally Crawford (Oxford), ‘Historic Environment Image Resource: new archaeological research opportunities from a redundant archive’
28 October: Dr Louise Rayne (Leicester), title t.b.c.
4 November: Dr Peter Halkon (Hull), ‘Wolds and wetlands – Iron Age and Roman landscapes in eastern Yorkshire’ (also Classical Association branch event)
11 November: Dr Jan Haywood (Leicester), ‘Herodotus’ Trojan war’ (also Classical Association branch event)
18 November: Dr Julia Farley & Dr Rosie Weetch (British Museum), ‘Curating the Celts’ (also Classical Association branch event)
25 November: Dr Adrian Chadwick (Leicester), ‘Moving money: coin hoards, place, movement and memory in Iron Age and Roman Britain’ (also Classical Association branch event)
2 December: Dr Tyr Fothergill (Leicester), ‘Faceless women: the process of exhibiting past animal-human relationships’
9 December: the work of ULAS (University of Leicester Archaeological Services) in 2015