Systems of Style in Ancient Rhetoric and Literary Criticism - 14-21-28/10, 04-11-18-25/11, 02/12/20

The theme of the seminar series is ancient stylistic theory. Meetings are held weekly frequency alternately in UCL and Oxford, and are meant as an opportunity for students and junior scholars to engage directly with fundamental but relatively little-read ancient works of rhetoric and literary criticism. Experts will describe the theory of style of different Greek and Latin rhetoricians and focus on significant aspects by means of text-based presentations. Participants will be told in advance what primary sources will be examined (Greek and Latin rhetorical handbooks, works of literary criticism, progymnasmata, etc.) and will be encouraged to actively take part in the discussion in an informal and cooperative atmosphere.
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 14-21-28/10, 04-11-18-25/11, 02/12/2015
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: University College of London - University of Oxford
A Moodle page (; search for ‘seminar on ancientstyle’; users outside UCL please log in as a guest) is also set up to make communication with participants and distribution of reading materials easier.
14 October, 3-5 pm. UCL, Department of Greek and Latin, Room G09. Phiroze Vasunia (UCL): Quintilian.
21 October, 2-4 pm. Oxford, Ioannou Centre, First Floor Seminar Room. Alessandro Vatri (Oxford) and Tzu-i Liao (UCL): Dionysius of Halicarnassus.
28 October, 3-5 pm. UCL, Department of Greek and Latin, Room G09. Casper de Jonge (Leiden): Longinus.
4 November, 2-4 pm. Oxford, Ioannou Centre, First Floor Seminar Room. Jennifer Hilder (Glasgow): Rhetorica ad Herennium.
11 November, 3-5 pm. UCL, Department of Greek and Latin, Room G09. Luuk Huitink (Heidelberg): Hermogenes.
18 November, 2-4pm. Oxford, Ioannou Centre, First Floor Seminar Room. Christos Kremmydas (Royal Holloway): Demetrius.
25 November, 3-5 pm. UCL, Department of Greek and Latin, Room G09. Gesine Manuwald (UCL): Cicero.
2 December, 3-5 pm. UCL, Department of Greek and Latin, Room G09. Ana Kotarcic (St Andrews): Aristotle.