Epigraphy Workshop Hilary Term 2015 - 19-26/10, 02-09-23-30/11/2015, Oxford (England)
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 19-26/10, 02-09-23-30/11/2015
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Ioannous School, University of Oxford (Oxford, England)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Charles Crowther; Robert Parker; Jonathan Prag
INFO: jonathan.prag@classics.ox.ac.uk - robert.parker@new.ox.ac.uk - charles.crowther@classics.ox.ac.uk
Monday, October 19: Supratik Baralay, 'Aggressive Correspondence: The new letters of Lucius Aemilius Paullus to Gonnoi'
Monday, October 26: Milena Melfi, ‘Some thoughts on the cult of the Pantheon (‘All the Gods’?) in Roman Greece’
Monday, November 2: Paul Kosmin, ‘A New Text and New Readings from Diadoch Babylon’
Monday, November 9: Christian Wallner, ‘Tituli novi from Tavlon or Pisidian Antioch’ (title and date tbc)
Monday, November 23: Emanuel Zingg, ‘Apollon Karneios, Apollon Triopios, and Aphrodite in Cnidus’
Monday, November 30: Riet van Bremen, ‘A new Olympichos inscription from Mylasa’