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Durham Classics and Ancient History Michaelmas Research Seminars - 15-22-29/10, 05-10-19-26/11, 03-1

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 15-22-29/10, 05-10-19-26/11, 03-10-17/12/2015





Thurs. 15th Oct.: Dr. Donncha O’Rourke (University of Edinburgh)

‘Looking for Callimachus in Virgil and Propertius’

Thurs. 22nd Oct.: Dr. Marc Schachter (University of Durham)

'The Classical Tradition, Humanist Philology, and the Early Modern Lesbian Canon’

Thurs. 29th Oct.: Dr. Edith Foster (Case Western Reserve University)

‘The Paradoxical Battle Narratives of Xenophon’s Hellenica’

Thurs. 5th Nov.: Dr. Raphael Woolf (King’s College London)

‘Cicero and the Ethics of Openness’

Tues. 10th Nov.: Prof. Josiah Ober (Stanford University)

‘The Sparta Game’

Thurs. 19th Nov.: Dr. Martin Worthington (University of Cambridge)

‘Questions of Evidence and Evidence from Questions in the Akkadian-speaking World’

Thurs. 26th Nov.: Dr. Simon Malloch (University of Nottingham)

‘Outdated Incivilities? Hugh Trevor-Roper and Classical Studies’

Thurs. 3rd Dec.: Dr. Myles Lavan (University of St. Andrews)

‘Rethinking the Spread of Citizenship in the Roman Empire’

Thurs. 10th Dec.: Prof. Gerd Haverling (Uppsala Universitet)

‘Literary Late Latin and Language Change – on Language Change, Ideological Change and History’

Thurs. 17th Dec.: Dr. Mark Bradley (University of Nottingham)

‘Roman Noses: Smell and Smelling in Ancient Rome'

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