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CALL. 01/11/2015: From elites to the others. Degrees of visibility - Prague (Czech Republic)



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Pavel Titz ; Stanislava Kučová ; Jiří Musil ; Peter Pavuk

INFO: web -


Classical scholarship for centuries tended to study rather the unique and/or spectacular aspects of ancient world in both literary and material culture. However, several archaeological projects have recently set up a new perspective in viewing the ancient society. The focus on the lower class reflects structure and complexity of the past societies. The “invisible” mass of people always somehow stands behind the activity of the elites. Such approach can be applied to all possible archaeological components separately and/or together from rural and urban settlement, industrial and religious facilities, resources and communications to burials, supplemented with historical, linguistic and art-historical studies reveal the way of living and thinking of ancient populations. We believe that any research as well as new theoretical approach can attribute to creation of innovative interpretations and a shift in our understanding of classical culture. Conceived broadly, this theme gives young scholars full play to present and discuss their opinions and thoughts applicable to the theme. Welcome are papers from postgraduates in all stages of their research, both theoretical and practical. We believe that this conference will allow participants to meet, collaborate and share their ideas in a helpful atmosphere.

Keynote lecture: Dr. Emanuele Vaccaro (University of Cambridge), Co-Director of the Roman Peasant Crew Project More detailed abstracts of 500 words specifying methodology and main results for a 20-minute paper or a poster (portrait, paper size 70x100 cm) are expected before

November 1st, 2015 at

(note that the Czech abbreviation is with K). If you have any further enquiries, please use the same e-mail address before the deadline. Applicants will be notified soon after.

Conference fee: EUR 20,- (covers printed materials, refreshment during the conference breaks, etc.; payable at the registration); Conference language: English The post-conference informal programme will culminate on Friday 11th December evening in the Departmental“Christmas/Saturnalia Party”! We are looking forward to seeing you in Prague! The organisers: Pavel Titz – Stanislava Kučová – Jiří Musil – Peter Pavuk

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