Ancient Greek Pots and Social Class in the Britain 1789-1939 - 05/05/2016, London (England)

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 05/05/2016
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: King's College (London, England)
INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: registro online / registration online / registrazione online
gratis / free / gratuito
9.00-9.30 Registration PANEL 1: THE POLITICS OF PRODUCTION Chair: Dr Alexia Petsalis-Diomidis 9.30-10.00 Paper 1 Professor Edith Hall (KCL): ‘What Classics did Potteries Workers Know?’ 10.00 – 10.30 Paper 2 Dr Janett Morgan (Royal Holloway): ‘Why Dillwyn Ware failed. ‘Etruscan’ Vases and the ‘Welsh Revolution’’ 10.30-11.00 Paper 3 Paul Lewis (independent scholar): ‘Archaeology in the Home’ 11.00-11.30 COFFEE PANEL 2: GENDER AND DISPLAY Chair: Professor Edith Hall 11.30 – 12.00 Paper 4 Dr Alexia Petsalis-Diomids (KCL and CCC, Oxford) ‘From the Potteries to the Stately Home: Sensory Readings of Female Engagements with Greek Pots’ 12.00-12.30 Paper 5 Dr Abigail Baker (Oxford) ‘Myths of the Odyssey in the British Museum (and beyond)’ 12.30-13.00 Paper 6 Dr Caspar Meyer (Birkbeck) ‘From Ancient Materialities to Modern Class: Sympotic Pottery, Museum Display, and the Persistence of Athenian Masculinity’ 13.00-14.00 LUNCH PANEL 3: PERFORMANCE AND EMBODIMENT Chair: Dr Henry Stead 14.00-14.30 Paper 7: Geoffrey Stone (Roehampton) ‘Beauty and Suspicion: The Democratising of Ancient Greek Vases in the late Eighteenth Century’ 14.30-15.00 Paper 8: Dr Helen Slaney (Oxford) ‘Resisting Classification: Emma Hamilton and Pots in Performance’ 15.00-16.00 Travel to Victoria & Albert Museum by tube GALLERY TOUR AND CERAMIC HANDLING SESSION (limited places) 16.00 – 17.00 Led by Rebecca Wallis, Curator, Department of Sculpture, Metalwork, Ceramics & Glass, Victoria and Albert Museum